Physics + Spirituality
(notes from Wayne Dyer DVD?) 1. Intention everything is energy (or light) 99.999% ZPF is GOD (source of creation)…or quantum hologram or plenum quantum physicians are modern mystics Schrodinger’s...
View Articlenotes from Wayne Dyer’s ’10 Secrets To Success And Inner Peace’ DVD
1. Have a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing. Im never looking for anything to be offended by. Progress is impossible if you always do things the way you’ve always done them. Be...
View Articlenotes from ‘The Shift’ by Wayne Dyer
p.28 Let go and let God. When you practice surrender on a daily basis, everything seems to fall into place. p.34-35 Ego insists that we traverse from nothing to something, from being no one to being...
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